Wk5-Art Experience- Cuisine, Couture, Coiffure

I chose Couture for this weeks Art Experience.  On a college budget, it becomes difficult to think of something innovative on a low budget.  However, I decided to go for the “Late 30’s Workout Dad” look.  To achieve this it would involve some cheaper workout clothes, and the staple item for such a niche, the fanny pack.  The fanny pack was acquired from a friend who had to do fraternity activities with it.  The clothes i collected would be:  A workout ASICS bro tank (Neon Orange to stand out), grey ASICS workout shorts, ASICS workout shoes and the fanny pack.  Now that I reflect on the things I wear, I was either a Late 30’s Workout Dad or a human ASICS billboard.  I decided to display such clothes in a fashion only a 38 year old Dad would, jogging!  I decided to go jogging in my semi-humiliating gear for about 30 minutes before becoming exhausted and heading back. Luckily the amount of people who stared at me was low because many people are not out at 5 pm on a Saturday.  This was a blessing but also a curse as I ran into a good friend of mine who decided to have a chuckle about what I wore.  Overall, I would say this is another art success! No regrets!


Author: StourasReviews

I love films to death! So why not review them!

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